Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thank God for Rush Limbaugh

I've been listening to Rush Limbaugh for the last couple of weeks and I'm about to pull my hair out. I cannot believe the hate spewed out from this man's mouth. The untruths, out-an-out lies he makes up to try to make everything the Democrats and/or the Clinton's fault or more now Obama's fault. Reagan was a Republican God to these people. I remember when Reagan was in office and during his 8 years he was considered a joke. Everyone made fun of him like they do Bush now. Do they think we forget what happened years ago?

Now all of these large corporations have gone bankrupt and Bush has the government bailing them out. The people are losing their jobs, just like with Enron, losing any retirement they may have had but the CEO's are leaving with up to 40 million dollars.

Now why can't we tell our creditors we just cannot pay and walk away from them and start over and get some type of tax credit from the government to pay off our creditors. You want to know why? I'll tell you why, because they consider that welfare. Now buying out these corporations is not welfare (which it is really corporate welfare). If the government helped us that would be ........shhhhhhhhhhh............socialism........... OMG. It's the same with the corporations but that's okay. What a load of crap.

During the last eight years, the rich have gotten richer and the middle class and poor have gotten poorer. It's not fair for the few to have it all while the majority struggles week to week. I know I'm tired of it. The class separations have never been greater then they are now and it's due to the Republican Party, Bush's could care less about the economy or anything else attitude, and corporations being bought out by our government. When are we the people going to revolt against all of this?

First we need to get people like Rush Limbaugh off the air. Liars, cheats, and hate mongers is not helping anything. I'm afraid the only way to get him off the air is if he really messes up and says something racists, sexist, or drops dead. No such luck so far. He has come close many times though. That is why I continue to listen to him because I'm waiting for the slip. He'll make it one day . . hopefully, it will be before I lose my mind listening to this propaganda.

Liberal Lady

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Well I never thought I would change my mind, but . . .

Obama picked the right man to be his VP. I wanted Biden to win the primary for Prez; however, he didn't. I have decided to vote for Obama/Biden.

I watched the Democrat Convention and it was pretty good. Obama's speech was excellent and so was Biden's.

Then came the Republican Convention that I peeked at. Then McCain's pick for VP, Sarah Palin. Who?

Well, I cannot make any judgement calls regarding her as she won't give any interviews. What are they afraid of? She is going to give a recorded interview to Charlie Gibson tonight from Alaska. Therefore, that can be edited.

Rush Limbaugh is claiming Palin has as much experience as Obama. I wouldn't think so. She made some snide remarks during her speech at the convention regarding Obama being a community organizer (like that was nothing). Both Biden and McCain have preached what President Kennedy did after his election. The "not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," and that is exactly what Obama was doing but they were putting him down for doing that. Martin Luther King was a community organizer. I think Bobby Kennedy was a community organizer before getting into politics. This is someone that is helping the community to try to pull itself up and do for itself. A public service job. Now McCain is a great war hero. However, what has Sarah Palin done? Don't know because she is not allowed to speak without a printed paper or teleprompter in front of her.

Now Limbaugh is claiming that we Dems are claiming "Jesus" was a community organizer like we are comparing Obama to Jesus. Puhlease! Rush Limbaugh has no life. He couldn't to be able to sit around and think stuff up like this.

Now I do know that Palin was against the bridge to nowhere; however, she kept the money. So that was kind of hypocritical. She also fired someone in her cabinet because he didn't fire her ex brother in law so she is under investigation for abuse of power. There are other rumors going around but that is just what they are, rumors so I won't address them here. I'd rather deal with facts then hear say. I also know she belongs to a Pentecostal church which believes in speaking in tongues. I wonder if Palin has ever spoken in tongues? She stated the Iraqi war was "God's Will." I don't understand how she would know what was and wasn't "God's Will?" So was hurricane Katrina "God's Will?" As I remember that it was because of all of the homosexuals and Lesbians in New Orleans according to Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. (the latter has passed away almost a year ago).

Organized religion is really confusing to me. Especially, when they start preaching politics and telling their congregation who they should vote for. I think if they do that, they should pay taxes. I have noticed that they are not really truthful about everything they say when it comes to politics.

As for Sarah Palin, she is a young, attractive, charismatic, energizing, full of enthusiasm, well spoken, seems to be a decent person, is a mother of five children, and a spitfire. She is a Hockey mom and proud of it. However, she could be our president one day and does the above make her capable of fulfilling that job? I really don't know but hope to get to know her before November 2, 2008. Not that I'll vote Republican (my dad would turn over in his grave); however, I would like to see how she does on her own.

Liberal Lady