Sunday, May 18, 2008

General Apologies to Iraqi Tribe for Soldier using Quaran For Target Practice

When I read this story I just couldn't believe what I was reading. A general of our military had to apologize to a whole tribe in Iraq because one of the villagers found out that some of our military men were using their Quaran for target practice. That's right, they were shooting at a book. The soldier was reportedly repremended severely.

So when are they going to apologize for using our young men and women for target practice? That's why there have been no more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. Bush sent over 100,000 Americans to them to use to terrorize right there in their homeland, in their own backyard. They have used our military to practice making bombs that blow up tanks or kill those inside the tanks, using suicide bombers to kill Americans, and then to use them as target practice as the random snipers do. Our men and women cannot even shoot their guns unless shot at first.

I am so disgusted by Bush and this war it is hard to put into words exactly how I feel. From the contractors hanging from the bridge after being attacked, beaten, shot, and probably still alive when they were set on fire; to the beheadings of innocent human beings for shock effect of some of those pathetic terrorist groups who want to get their names out there for being brutal. From the innocent women and children and men who just want to work and take care of their families who say it is worse now then it was under Saddam. They state as long as they didn't mess with Saddam's Government people, they were left alone. They went about their daily lives, just like we do, but not since the Americans have come, they claim.

A good blog that states the day-to-day life in Iraq is
interpslife. I read a lot of blogs out of Iraq to try to find out the truth of what is going on there because God knows our own media is locked out from giving us any truthful information. Yeah, we might get a little information here and there but not the real mess it is. Iraq Blog Count lists a lot of these blogs. For those who are interested, you should check them out. Of course, these blogs are mostly opinions that may include some facts, just like out own media.

Liberal Lady

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Louis Farrakan and Hamas support Obama

I find the fact that Barrack Obama has stayed in a church for over 22 years that he claims now he totally disagrees with and finds offensive almost all of the preachings of the minister of that church quite a bit of a stretch from the truth. If he finds so much of what Reverend Wright said offensive now, then why didn't he leave then? Reverend Wright also speaks highly of Reverend Farrakhan. February 28th of this year, Louis Farrakhan publicly announced he strongly supported Barrack Obama for president. Also, Obama refers to Farrakhan as "Reverend" as well. Why should he show such respect to such a hate monger? I suppose it is because Obama doesn't look at Farrakhan as a separatist . . . especially since he attended Farrakhan's Million Man March.

Then it is reported that Hamas, of all terrorist groups, supports Obama. Now I'm sure Mr. Obama did not seek out this support; however, why did this group feel the need to publicly announce their support. Do they not realize that by doing so only hurts Mr. Obama in this country, or, do they know something about Obama that we don't know or that we cannot see?

I remember the first time I saw Barrack Obama, the first thing that went through my mind was he was a member of The Nation of Islam, led by the controversial Farrakhan. He dressed like them, he spoke like them, he had a name like theirs. Of all times in our history, now we are going to elect a Muslim to run this country? Has this been some kind of plan all along. Destroy this country from the most powerful position in the World? Just like 911 . . . use what we have to destroy and kill our own people?

Of course, one could always argue that GWB was a supposed born-again Christian conservative and he has brought this country to its knees, made us the laughing stock of the World, have us indebted to China and the Saudi's so deeply that if they requested we pay that debt, our whole monetary system would fall. How can I say Obama could do any worse. After all our system is set up with checks and balances; however, if Obama is presenting himself to be something he is not and is a Jeremiah Wright/Louis Farrakhan hate the white man, hate this country, and believes this country owes the black man everything, is a muslim that hates the Jews and allows Hamas to and other groups to attack Israel without our aid and the Jews no longer have a homeland, what can we do if he is elected president? Did you know that Obama is pro reparations for slavery? That is one of the first things on his agenda and why so many blacks have left the Clintons (who they claimed Bill Clinton was the first Black President). Seems to me Obama is buying the majority of his black votes.

Obama was the only one who voted against the war. The history here is not placing a black man in the most powerful position in the World for the first time, but placing a closet extremist into the most powerful position in the World. Obama could be a true Muslim that hates this country as does most of the middle east. He claims he is a Christian. I say why he is down South, fix him some good Southern Sausage gravy and see if the man will eat any pork. I know that sounds childish and silly; however, by doing that one silly thing, he might change a lot of people's mindset about him. Muslims do not eat pork. Christians do.

I wonder how many times Louis Farrakhan has been a guest speaker at Senator Obama's church? Does the rest of the country have blinders on or what?

Liberal Lady

Monday, May 5, 2008

Can We Recover?

After eight years of the embarrassment known as George W. Bush, this country needs new leadership that will not only demand the World's respect again but will flourish in it.
His presidency from the very start was an embarrassment for half of the American People as we knew that the election was a fraud to get a Republican into office. That man was not elected into office, he was "selected", and by Gore conceding for the good of the country, little did he know what Hell the country was in for, and if he had known, I don't think he would have conceded so quickly. Bush played the Religious Right and did nothing for them while he was in office. I hope they remember that when they go to the polls this November. The propaganda law he signed ending partial birth abortions was just that, propaganda. The procedure still continues to this day as it states if the life of the mother is in danger, the procedure can still be performed. Also, this BS about healthy, kicking, live babies having their skulls crushed in is just not true. Most partial birth abortions are performed on fetuses that have already died in the mother's womb. Are the women suppose to keep the dead fetuses inside them while the tissue starts to rot? What do you expect a women to do? Should she continue to carry a dead fetus inside her until her due date to make the Religious Right happy? I think it has to be between the women, her physician, and her God . . . not the government nor anyone else should tell someone what they should and should not do. Sounds like a bit of Communism to me.
Colon Powell, the man who brought sketches to the U.N. to prove Iraq was enriching Uranium, another embarrassing figure of the Bush Administration, was interviewed and even he stated he may be voting Democrat this time. He knows what went on behind closed doors, he knows all about the miscalculations that were made. Yet, he no longer will stand behind the embarrassment of it all anymore. He can say what he wants, but if not for his cooperation with Bush/Cheney, this war would not be going on now.
They say Bush has kept us safe. LMAO. That is so ignorant for anyone to believe. You want to know why we haven't been attacked? Because they have the best and the bravest on their land they can use for target practice and practice their bomb making on. So why risk trying it here when there are over 100,000 Americans in their backyard for them to try to kill. It's really not hard to figure that one out.
Look at what we are paying for gas . . . a disgrace. Bush should have opened our reserves and let their barrells sit. If he would have done what Clinton did when OPEC tried raising the price of gas and heating oil when he was president, we wouldn't be paying over $400 a month to run 2 vehicles in one family. That's almost another house payment. The prices of everything have gone up; there are shortages of some stock foods that are being rationed already here in the U.S. Who would have believed it? In other countries their are food wars. And now the embarrassment still won't keep his mouth shut. He blames Congress. He never has accepted responsibility for anything.
. . . then Katrina and the aftermath. I don't need to tell you that story unless you are a complete idiot.
Liberal Lady