Monday, July 14, 2008

Sattirical Or A Hidden Message?

The New Yorker Magazine Used the Cover below for its July 14, 2008, issue saying it was typically satirical of what Obama's critics have been saying about him.
I say they have hit the nail on the head. I feel this is exactly the Obama we have running for office but he has just not shown his true self. This is the true Barrack Obama as well as his militant wife. Behind closed doors who knows where they are getting all of there endless financial support. We all know that Minister Farrakhan is one of Obama's biggest supporters. Why would Farrakhan be supportive of Obama? Farrakhan wouldn't be behind Obama just because he is black. There is something else going on in that relationship and it has to be regarding the Muslim Religion.
People say "Oh, it's only the extreme Muslims that are the terrorists, most Muslims are kind, loving people." Really? I haven't met one yet that wouldn't slit your throat if they had to. Also, the religion itself is extreme. Read their Holy Book and compare it to the Bible or any other religious writings. Nothing but killing. These people have been slaughtering each other since the beginning of time and will continue until the end of time, which, by the way, they feel that the course
they are on now will bring about the end of days. So really how can one reason with people like this. Imagine if they had one of their own as the most powerful man in the World. Wouldn't that be prophecy coming true? I believe if Obama is elected president, we're all fucked.
Liberal Lady

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Who is Barack Obama really?

So Barack Obama is the Democratic Party's nominee. How did this happen? I don't even know if I will vote this November. I will never vote for a Republican; however, I am not going to vote for a man who has an obvious agenda that he keeps hidden under a fa-sad that he is the first Black man to be nominated or even elected POTUS. His real agenda is one that is hard to fathom, believe, and may be a little crazy to some of you, but in my gut, I feel this man is a Muslim, and the plan to get a Muslim in the most powerful position in the world has been these terrorists' plan for years. With Barrack Obama they could literally control the World.

What is the proof that he is a Muslim you may ask? In a recent Washington Post Article Obama made the following statement.

"If I were a Muslim, I would let you know, " he said in Dubuque, Iowa, recently, according to CNN.com. "But I'm a member of Trinity United Church of Christ on 95th Street on the South Side of Chicago. We've got the best choir in town, and if you want to come and worship with us, you are more than welcome."

Well that is all well and good; however, that is the same church that honored Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam in the United States. Why in the world would a Christian Church "honor" a "Muslim" leader and a controversial one at that?

Some people are saying that Obama would take his oath of office using the Koran (Thomas Jefferson's). I don't know about that but I would not be surprised because once elected, he wouldn't have to hide who he really was anymore.

Obama has recently left his church due to all the controversy. Now he has no church he goes too and that could be a good enough reason for him to convert to Islam while he is in office.

I know how all this sounds and wonder if I'm just being silly. But, my gut tells me this man is not what he appears to be to us. He has a hidden agenda and it is not to help this country.

Liberal Lady